That is a really great response, thank you! I do have a follow up question. I agree that education is going to have the greatest positive impact, but what do we do in a time where anyone can find facts to support their own narrative? Google and all these major tech companies pack us away in our own echo chambers and we find that even some of the most proactive thinkers and researchers get trapped in their own false reality created by all the misleading facts floating around. People tend to not believe facts that contradict their own beliefs. After graduating law school, I can say for a fact that our academic system has been hijacked, and it is no longer a free market place of ideas where all the ideas, good and bad, can come together and duke it out, and in theory the "better" ideas rise to the top. Now it teaches you what to think, rather than how to think. I think you're completely right that we need to educate ourself and pull information from credible resources, but what would those resources be? Can't trust Facebook,. We can't suggest mainstream media like CNN or Fox News. Even the news papers get caught in blatant lies anymore. Where can we educate ourself like you suggest, besides the Re-Think Tank? 😉
Or is it an individual and constant pursuit?